INLA Hunger Striker Volunteer Kevin Lynch was respectfully commemorated in his home town of Dungiven on Sunday 3 August by his comrades in the Irish Republican Socialist Movement. A march through Dungiven’s main street led firstly by an IRSM colour party, the James Connolly Memorial Flute Band and followed by IRSP comrades made their way to INLA Volunteer Kevin Lynch’s last place of rest.
Thirty three years ago on the 3rd of August 1981 Volunteer Kevin Lynch was buried in Dungiven. Kevin died as he lived, a proud Republican Socialist and a volunteer in the Irish National Liberation Army. His last fight was against the criminalisation of Irish political prisoners, by the forces of British imperialism in the H-Blocks of Long Kesh. Kevin Lynch was given a full military funeral by his comrades in the Irish Republican Socialist Movement with 6 armed INLA volunteers in uniform firing a final volley of shots over his coffin as it made it’s journey to Dungiven cemetery
Prior to the many IRSM wreaths being laid and the colour party’s flag’s being lowered, IRSP Ard Comhairle member, Michael McLaughlin, gave the oration commemorating the selfless sacrifice of INLA Hunger Striker Kevin Lynch and re-affirming the IRSM’s principles and goals of a 32 County Irish Workers’ Republic for which Dungiven’s bravest son lived and died.
Saoirse go deo!