INLA Volunteer Alex Patterson (far right) at the IRSP Easter Commemoration, Belfast 1989.
The Irish Republican Socialist Party will be holding a Wreath Laying Ceremony at the grave of Irish National Liberation Army Volunteer Alex Patterson in Strabane Cemetery this Saturday 16th at 3pm to mark the 23rd anniversary of his death.
Michael McLaughlin of Strabane IRSP continues “The legacy of the British Governments Shoot to Kill policy is still very much a part of the daily lives of many families in Strabane. 23 years on since the death of Volunteer Alex Patterson serious questions remain unanswered by the British Government. During the botched 1997 inquest into Alex Patterson’s death the British tried to carefully choreograph events, with SAS members giving evidence from behind screens only after getting guarantees that no criminal proceeding would be taken against them, then refused to release the findings after the Jury reached a decision that did not match the British version of events. “
Mr McLaughlin finishes “The IRSP is very clear on the circumstances of Volunteer Alex Patterson’s death through eye witness testimony. Alex Patterson escaped from the car he and his comrade was travelling in, was captured by the SAS and summarily executed then his body was placed across the front seats. It’s important for people in Strabane, especially the youth; to understand how much contempt the British establishment still shows towards the Shoot to Kill victims’ families by continuing with their web of lies and cover ups.”