If you support an end to partition come to Strabane – Lifford this November.


Open appeal to Republicans & Socialists.

YES For Unity campaign will be holding a public talk and debate the “Road to Referendum” in Strabane Library starting at 7pm on Thursday 15th November. We will host a panel of different republican and socialist organisations who currently articulate a referendum mechanism to end partition. Each group will have the opportunity to put their strategic vison forward for open and constructive debate.

This will be the beginning of an intense period of activism around ending partition in the Strabane- Lifford area through a “Simulated Border Poll / Unity Referendum”.

The door to door canvass will begin on Saturday 17th of November. The canvass is modelled in a way that people with no prior political activism can confidently participate by asking questions from a pre-set questionnaire and only ticking boxes. It will be an engaging and enjoyable experience for newcomers and well-seasoned activists alike.

All data collected during the Simulated Border Poll / Unity Referendum will be put in the public domain for everyone to analyse and shape direction. We must build transparency and a culture of openness and trust in ourselves that will dispel the fears of our class as we move together towards ending partition. Only a strategy that allows all people to participate equally in shaping their own future will succeed.

YES For Unity would like to cordially invite all republicans and socialists, from across the island, to come along and take part in the debate on the merits of a Border Poll / Unity Referendum as a collective way forward.

We must strive to break the mould of conventional republican cooperation, which usually involves negative interactions. We must be capable and politically mature enough to have the capacity to leave differences aside, to come together and discuss our common goal of ending the historical injustice of partition.

We understand that there is allot of scare-mongering and misinformation on the issue of ending partition and building a new Republic. We hope to eventually address these fears and give clear direction to working class people on how ending partition will directly benefit them economically, socially and culturally.

We have included the canvass map for the purposes of others organising transport to Strabane – Lifford.  For more information and to let us know you are attending please don’t hesitate to contact us at info@irsp.ie We recommend that anyone travelling to Strabane – Lifford use the Saturday dates to attend the canvass.