British must act in the spirit of the August 2010 Agreement. IRSP.

British must act in the spirit of the August 2010 Agreement. IRSP.

The Irish Republican Socialist Party sends solidarity to all Republican political prisoners in Maghaberry who recently took the brave decision to end their 18 month protest. The protest in Maghaberry has sent a clear message to the establishment that Republicans will never be criminalized or demonized. The determination and bravery shown by all participants in the protest must be congratulated; their selflessness is an inspiration to us all. The brutality they suffered and the living conditions they endured over the last 18 months in Maghaberry is testimony to their unflinching Republican character.

The IRSP have not been found wanting in highlighting and supporting the protesting political prisoners.The IRSP has been working both publicly and privately to get the August 2010 Agreement implemented in full and will continue to do so whilst highlighting human rights abuses against all political prisoners.

The IRSP believe by ending their legitimate prison protest Republicans have now taken the momentum. The resolute and pragmatic stance of the Republican political prisoners has now moved all eyes to the British; they must act quickly and definitively to finally resolve the Maghaberry situation.

The IRSP are aware that both Marian Price and Martin Coreys health is deteriorating. We call for their immediate and unconditional release from British custody, nothing else is acceptable.