“Dangerous Devolpment” as personal details of IRSP members passed to Loyalists by the PSNI


The Irish Republican Socialist Party has called the passing of its party members, and other republicans, personal details to Loyalists as “a very dangerous development”.

A spokesperson for the Dominic and Mary McGlinchey IRSP Cumman said “Questions need answered by the PSNI immediately. The car registration numbers and home addresses of two members of the Irish Republican Socialist Party along with the same details of four other Republicans have ended up in the possession of known Loyalists. Information the IRSP has received is that the document, which contained the personal details, was left behind during a house raid of a known Loyalist in Ballymoney”.

The spokesperson continues “The IRSP wants it put on a matter of public record if the PSNI are harbouring a “rogue officer” or is this the work of British intelligence agencies trying to heighten sectarian tensions in the area by passing information to Loyalists who may act on it. There is a real risk of destabilising the entire peace process if Loyalists were to successfully act on the information passed to them by the PSNI”.

The spokesperson said “Even tho the PSNI has said the document was recovered a person can copy such a document in seconds by taking pictures of it on their mobile phone. This is a very dangerous development that should not be swept under the carpet. People’s lives and families are at risk here the people in our local communities want answers”.

The spokesperson finishes “During the years of the long war British and Loyalist paramilitary collusion was systematic, commonplace, vast and lethal. The British government targeted Republican Socialists, passed personal details onto Loyalist death squads and armed them to carry out the attacks then protected the killers. Are we witnessing the beginning of a similar strategy to deal with those of us who will not accept the legitimacy of the Stormont puppet regime?”