Irish Republican Socialist Party
Costello House
392b Falls Road
BT12 6DH

Date: 22/02/2017
=========PRESS RELEASE==========

The Irish Republican Socialist Party releases this statement to refute allegations made in the media beginning yesterday (21/02/2017) following the alleged discovery of explosives and ammunitions in the Conway Street area of the Falls Road.

This incident is not related to the Irish National Liberation Army. We state this standing firmly on the basis of the Republican Socialist Movement’s statement released in Bray in 2009 which stated the following;

“The RSM has been informed by the INLA that following a process of serious debate, consultation and analysis, it has concluded that the armed struggle is over and the objective of a 32 County Socialist Republic will be best achieved through exclusively peaceful political struggle.”

The Irish Republican Socialist Party stands by the above quote and has not been informed of any change in position from the Irish National Liberation Army.

Sinister media speculation of internal conflict within the Republican Socialist Movement is of no substance and is a dangerous but futile attempt to create the perception that we are divided.

The Republican Socialist Movement is united on a political path in pursuit of our objectives.

The Irish Republican Socialist Party is entirely satisfied that there is no conflict within the INLA. The state arms of the press and the security forces are collaborating to advance a politically motivated campaign against the Republican Socialist Movement.

This has manifested itself in Arrests, Violent House Raids, the targeting of IRSP members for harassment and character assassinations via numerous newspaper outlets. The events of the past number of days are nothing other than a continuation of this campaign.