IRSP reiterates call for full British, EU and US Military, Economic and Political withdrawal from Ireland at Moscow conference.


The delegations from Hawaii, Costa Rica, African North America, Ireland, Catalonia, Basilicata, Donbass, Libyan Arab Republic and Western Sahara
The delegations from Hawaii, Costa Rica, African North America, Ireland, Catalonia, Basilicata, Donbass, Libyan Arab Republic and Western Sahara

At a conference in Moscow titled “A dialogue of nations: Peoples’ right to self-determination and the building of a multi-polar world”, hosted by the Anti-Globalisation Movement of Russia, the IRSP reiterated its calls for total people’s sovereignty, over all aspects, of our collective Irish national interests.

The conference in Moscow brought together different separatist movements from imperialist occupied territories from around the globe. Anti-Globalisation, anti-neoliberalist and pro- rights of peoples representatives from Hawaii, Costa Rica, African North America, Ireland, Catalonia, Basilicata, Donbass, Libyan Arab Republic and Western Sahara were given a platform and access to over 80 different Russian national and international media outlets. All were interested to hear our analysis of geo-political events and our own respective national political programmes.

The Irish Republican Socialist Party used the occasion to reiterate our position on ending the economic, military and political occupation of the entire island of Ireland.

The IRSP stated “ Although the visual physical manifestations of the occupation of our island have been reduced, the British military installations are gone from the borders,replaced with high tech surveillance equipment, the British army (for the most part) has been returned to barracks the entire island of Ireland is more occupied than it ever was. In the occupied North East the failed Belfast Agreement has copper-fastened the British occupation and promotes a sectarian pantomime settlement that drives a neo-liberalist economic war against the British occupied Irish people.

The IRSP continues “ Southern Ireland ( 26 County Free State ) has become a Brussels controlled Plutocracy which also wages a neoliberalist class war against its own people. The race to the bottom to privatise the entire Free State society, redistribute and entire nations wealth, to a small elite cabal is being fought and won by the capitalist establishment.”

The IRSP said “We again, to this international audience of progressives, reiterate our call for full British military, economic and political withdrawal from the occupied north eastern counties. We call for the total withdrawal of US military installations, economic and cultural interests from the entire island. We reiterate our stance that the European Union, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund must withdraw all political and economic interests in every part of the island of Ireland. The IRSP stand for a sovereign Irish people and a sovereign Irish nation with the means of production, distribution and exchange firmly in control of the entire people of Ireland for the collective enrichment of all the people of Ireland.”