IRSP statement on INLA decommissioning

The national executive of the Irish Republican Socialist Party has welcomed the decision of the Irish National Liberation Army to ‘decommission’ its arsenal as historic and radical. This decision was taken after a consultation process that included not only the IRSP but also the Republican Socialist Youth Movement, Teach na Failte and the remaining Republican Socialist prisoners.

Paul Little speaking on behalf of the Irish Republican Socialist Party in welcoming the INLA decision said;

“This weeks decision by the INLA is not only historic and courageous but also a mature political decision that will allow the politics of Irish Republican socialism to rise to the fore. Whilst we remain steadfastly opposed to the Stormont regime and the carnival of chaos that comes along with this dysfunctional assembly, we aim to challenge and expose at every level the anti working class, sectarian and increasingly corrupt system that passes for the body politic in modern Ireland.

It remains to be seen that those political parties north and south who wax lyrically about ‘equality, parity of esteem, an Ireland of equals will extend these to include Irish republican socialists or are they as we suspect merely sound bites from those who cannot or will not deliver on these fine ideals.”

In conclusion the IRSP spokesperson said;

“We do not fear the future, we have confidence that Republican Socialism offers working class people a viable alternative to sectarian politics and we look forward to working with other working class representatives to ensure that our rights are not only acknowledged but also that a real alternative is available to the stale and short sighted politics of division. Our aim is to build a truly revolutionary political party that is not beholden to any creed, our allegiance is solely with the working class. The IRSP believe that this week’s announcement by the INLA will allow that work to continue and expand, free from the specter of weapons. It is a truly revolutionary act”.

Statement Ends