IRSP to host “Eyewitness from Syria” YPG & PKK event.

EYEWITNESS FROM SYRIA. Mother of fallen YPG fighter, along with a visitor to the PKK stronghold in the Qandil Mountains  will speak on the fight against ISIS and the liberated areas of Rojava.

The Irish Republican Socialist Party will be hosting an information evening with the intention of raising public awareness of the plight of the Kurdish people and their ongoing struggle against ISIS terror, and efforts to create a just society within the liberated zones of Rojava.

‘Viki Konstandinos’ is the mother of YPG Volunteer Konstandinos Scurfield, a 25 year old native of Barnsley in Yorkshire who was killed in action in March of this year, defending the Kurdish frontline village area of Tek Khuzela, Syria.

A former Royal Marine Commando, Konstandinos or ‘Kosta’ is described by his mother, foremost as a humanitarian, who became increasingly politicised while hearing of the plight of the besieged Kurdish people. He drew natural comparisons between the YPG (Kurdish Protection Units) and the European Anti-Nazi partisans of the 1940s and having resigned from the British army, he initially worked providing Humanitarian and medical aid to struggling Kurdish freedom fighters inevitably being moved to action in late 2014 becoming a fighter with the ‘Lions of Rojava’ foreign YPG battalion.

By all accounts Kosta earned an exemplary military record displaying extraordinary commitment and bravery in combat, praised as a hero and a martyr by his comrades in the YPG, he was brought down by RPG fire during a ferocious battle with the so called ‘Islamic State’ while on the offensive against ISIS occupied positions around Til Hamis town in Hasakah province.

Since his death, Kosta’s mother Viki, has toured meetings across England raising support and awareness of the Kurdish cause and the efforts of the YPG. In recent weeks, her sons YPG comrades, having fought on and liberated further areas of Rojava, took a captured ‘ISIS’ flag and presented it to her as a token of their acknowledgement of her own sacrifice.

62 Year old Alan Brooke is an English historian, a former Archaeologist and a supporter of the Kurdish Struggle. This year he too took the decision to leave his native village in Yorkshire to travel and fight in defence of the Kurdish liberated areas. Making contact with comrades in the Kurdish capital of Sulaymaniyah, he was initially told he was “too old” to volunteer as a fighter. However, aware of his value in helping spread the message back home in England, he was smuggled through the Qandil mountain region. There he was introduced to the PKK leadership and shown around the guerilla camps.

Also in attendance will be members of the “Rojava Calling” group from Dublin, who have recently returned from the besieged Syrian town of Kobane.

Together, Vikki and Alan have toured around England on an independent (non-aligned) remit raising awareness of the Kurdish struggle, in this they have been joined by Long term left activist Matt Broughton who has initiated the Belfast and Derry meetings along with the IRSP.

Matt himself has been a long time friend of the Irish struggle and Republican Socialism in particular, a former member of Red Action, he took part in many political delegations to Ireland in the early 90s. In the late 90s he studied politics at Queens University and worked intensively for the rights of Republican Prisoners in Maghaberry, Portlaoise and in English gaols throughout the period.

All are welcome to attend and listen to what will be a meeting of historical significance. ‘Eyewitness from Syria’ will take place in The Belfast meeting will occur in the afternoon, Saturday 12st September in Conway Mill at 4pm.

Fundrasing event to be held in The Red Devil 8pm till late Saturday 12th September.