Republican Socialist Political Prisoners Easter Statement, E4 Landing, Portlaoise. 2013.

We the Republican Socialist Prisoners on E4 Landing Portlaoise Gaol send each of you attending here today hard felt solidarity greetings on this the 97th anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising. At this time we remember with pride all Irish Republicans who died in the pursuit of Irish freedom. We recall with pride our falling dead, from our comrades in the IRSP to the volunteers in the INLA. We send Easter greetings to our families at home, to our many friends’ across Europe and in America; we thank you all for the support shown to us over the past year.

The past year has seen great change in our party. We are now in the rebuilding stage and are only too aware nothing will be achieved over night. We must remain focused and determined to build a party of the people for the people. The rebuilding of a strong party in Dublin and in Cork is indeed welcome news. Ireland today is on its knees, you just have to look at the 26 Counties, problems in our health service, people leaving, some of whom will never return home to our shores, unemployment constantly increasing and not forgetting the banks that have condemned the Irish people to further years of hardship and not one banker in jail.

There are so many issues that need to be tackled in this state and our party must be at the forefront of this struggle. We must stand up for the working class people as these are the same people that stood by Pearse and Connolly during Easter week. It is now our time to support them as they struggled to put food on the table. Let us build a strong and lasting Party that can withstand the pressures of Politics. Comrades we are with you in spirit, Victory to the IRSP.