YES For Unity public talk and debate “Road to Referendum” Co Fermanagh

YES For Unity continues its republican socialist grassroots engagement process in St Patricks GFC, Donagh, Co Fermanagh on Thursday 10th of January 7.30pm.

The ‘Road to Referendum’ talk and debate will host speakers from; the IRSP, Sinn Féin, 1916 Societies and the Peadar O’Donnell Socialist Republican Forum, all of whom will outline their analysis and hopes as to how we can collectively move towards a United Ireland through the process of referendum.

The concept of a United Ireland has developed past sloganizing.It has become a mainstream topic for debate; we must seize this moment and articulate a United Ireland that works in the interests of everyone on this island.We cannot allow the conversation to be monopolised by the political and wealthy class, a united Ireland must belong to the people or the struggle will have been for nothing.

YES For Unity stand in the tradition of James Connolly,workers must articulate a society that works entirely in their own interests. We hope that these talks and debates that will travel the island give workers that opportunity to listen and contribute, to dispel the misinformation to understand that a united Ireland will benefit us all.

To truly build an equal society in Ireland we must break the connection with the corrupt self-serving British State, to finally destroy sectarianism we must remove the fundamental cause which is the British occupation. A peaceful path towards a United Ireland exists we must continue to build towards this path.