During a meeting today members of the IRSM spoke to one of the protesting workers from Green Isle foods, John Guinan, who is currently on hungerstrike along with fellow worker Jim Wyse.

In a show of solidarity members of both the IRSP and RSYM joined comrades on the picket line and Hunger Strike outside Green Isle Foods Naas Co Kildare.

A member of the IRSP outlined our activism over the their plight to Hunger Striker John Guinan and TEEU reps that were there, John expressed his heart felt thanks and said our activism and concern for them ment “more than anyone could imagine”.

John said the only way this will work is if the people refuse to buy Green Isle Products “we need the support of the people its been slow in coming but since the rally on Saturday local national and international media have been turning up every hour and RTE haven’t left but it is up to the Irish people they are the ones that will make or break this strike we need there support”.

A member of the IRSP and a member of the RSYM at the picket line today in NAAS, Co Kildare with hungerstriking worker John Guinan
A member of the IRSP and a member of the RSYM at the picket line today in NAAS, Co Kildare with hungerstriking worker John Guinan