Capitalism sends its first warning shots against the Irish Electorate

“It is vital that the current momentum for change needs represented on the streets as well as the elected chambers”

Following what is being quickly termed a seismic general election at the weekend, the capitalist class have quickly fired a warning shot against the left by sending major Irish stocks tumbling and advising investors to abandon Irish bonds.

Headlines on mainstream financial media in the USA at the weekend

These actions by capitalism are in close comparison to what was witnessed in Greece in 2015 following the rise to power of the left coalition party; Syriza whose left wing objectives were quickly destroyed by the International & EU capitalist community.

Stephen Cummins of the IRSP in Dublin has explained, “Capitalism can easily manipulate and derail political objectives if solely pursued through the system it controls, in this case the Dáil. This is why its vital that the current momentum for change needs represented on the streets as well as the elected chambers”

The IRSP throughout the 2020 General Election campaign supported the highly successful campaign to bring an end to Fine Gael & Fianna Fáil cartel of crisis through the #UnseatTheTwo campaign. 

Stephen went on to say, “The IRSP believe in the fundamentals of Guerrilla politics, we must use every vehicle to our advantage to achieve our objective with the understanding that there is no parliamentary road to socialism.”

The IRSP are calling on left wing political activists across the country to be prepared for what could be an impending onslaught from the capitalist class to kill any meaningful long term left wing socio-economic successes and to prepare to take to the streets en masse to defend the youthful left wing momentum if needs be.