IRSP in Belfast Warn of Potential Lethal Drug Find

“This is a heavily populated residential area, with a lot of children. This small bag, could have easily been misjudged for sweets by a young child that could have had potential fatal consequences”

Maria Quinn, IRSP

The IRSP in Upper Springfield were this afternoon contacted by a concerned local resident who handed over a bag of yellow pills found at the Corner of Springhill Avenue.

Local IRSP spokesperson for the area Maria Quinn has said, “If it wasn’t for the vigilance and judgement of this resident, we could have been looking at a serious incident or fatality today.”

The pills found are believed to be the “fake yellows” that have been responsible for a number of deaths across Belfast and beyond recently.

Maria went on to say, “This is a heavily populated residential area, with a lot of children. This small bag, could have easily been misjudged for sweets by a young child that could have had potential fatal consequences”

The IRSP ask local residents to remain vigilant, and remind your young children to not pick up anything off the street.

The pills were destroyed and disposed of by the IRSP this evening.