Drug dealers challenged in Andersonstown

Capture.PNG;;iWest Belfast IRSP last night (2nd August) distributed awareness raising leaflets in the Andersonstown/Shaws Road/Lenadoon areas in response to increasing local concern at a rise in open and clandestine drugs dealing which is occuring both from the shopfront area and from local flats complexes.

Activists delivered hundreds of leaflets to residents as well as to local young people who had gathered close by informing them of how predator Heroin dealers were seeking to take their trade into the locality with particular concern being expressed at how the local schools were vulnerable as drug capitalists were knowingly targeting them as a potential market.


The IRSP made both local people and the drug capitalists themselves aware that the Republican Socialist Movement were monitoring the situation and encouraged residents to organise against the influence of such parasites operating amongst them, assuring them that the IRSP would back them in any such initiative.



IRSP activists enter Andersonstown to encourage locals to rally against drugs dealers operating in the area.
Gerry Foster leads IRSP activists enter Andersonstown to encourage locals to rally against drugs dealers operating in the area.


Michael Kelly (Lower Falls) explains to local youths the importance of collective community action against drugs dealers who seek to exploit residents and vulnerable young people.