IRSP clarify position on ‘Derry Bomb’ Facebook claim

IRSP clarify position on ‘Derry Bomb’ Facebook claim

On Saturday night, an unauthorised post appeared on a Social media page linked to the IRSP, condemning an armed action that had occurred hours earlier at the courthouse in Derry City and further claiming that it was inspired by British military intelligence.

The leadership of the IRSP have met in relation to this issue and are happy to confirm the following.

The IRSP did not authorise the post in question and do not share the sentiments which were expressed by the individual responsible. The IRSP holds that Republican armed actions such as that which occurred on Saturday evening are an expression of resistance that has characterised legitimate opposition to British rule in Ireland for generations.

While the IRSP do not believe that current conditions are conducive to armed actions, we have no inclination or wish to pass judgment on others who do, we have never condemned Republicans who express opposition to British rule via armed struggle and we never will, the root cause of armed actions remains our common enemy, British occupation itself.

We understand that a wave of retaliatory raids and arrests have been launched against republicans in the aftermath of Saturday’s action; our thoughts are with those affected and we send them our best.

The IRSP have put measures into place, which will ensure that no such posts or unrepresentative rogue expressions of our position will ever appear again.