With every passing week, it becomes more obvious that something is fundamentally wrong at the core of Newry and Mourne council. For many years the people; the ratepayers, have been calling out for a City centre park, and for many years our elected representatives have stood at our doors, looking our votes and promising the people a park.
Martin McKeown, IRSP representative for Newry has said, “Realistically, we never expected the Gardens of Babylon, but we did expect some movement on this issue. Here we are in 2020, the darkest of years, and these same elected representatives haven’t so much as delivered us a window box. So what is going on, who’s interests do our elected representatives have? From where we stand, it is quite obvious our elected representatives and faceless council bureaucrats, are putting big business, property speculators and Landlords before the interests of us, the people, the ratepayers, the folk who pay their wages!”
Martin went on to say, “The people of Newry need a park, we demand a park! We don’t want another Civic Centre, where council staff and councillors go to get fattened. The IRSP in Newry, call on our elected representatives to do what you were elected to do, which is serve the people, not your own selfish interests.”