Miram Daly mural unveiling. IRSP Statement


Following no small degree of disquiet within the republican and wider working class base in West Belfast, arising from the defacement and replacement of a land mark mural which bore recollections and representations of the historical/academic position of IRSP Comrade and activist Miriam Daly (murdered by state forces in June 1980), party comrades in the city having consulted with the Daly family have in recent months planned and commissioned what we believe to be a fitting replacement piece in Miriam’s memory.

We are delighted to announce that this new mural will be unveiled on December 4th 2016, in acknowledgement of the commencement of prisoners month and the commitment which Comrade Daly had shown to the cause of Irish Republican POWs.

The IRSP have no particular feelings about the aesthetic value of the pop art initiative, which on behalf of U2 and with no meaningful consultation, took the place of what had been a deeply felt personal tribute from an artist to his mother, however one can easily see how the decision to replace the thoughts of a fallen Irish revolutionary with the words ‘I can’t change the world’ would be met with a degree of anger.

The IRSP decided that our best response  to frustrations which had been expressed across the entire republican base was to rededicate the Oakman Street corner wall in memory of Miriam Daly herself, replicating as best we could the aesthetics’ and message of the original mural. We trust that our decision will be respected and met favourably by all concerned.

Assemble at Costello House Falls Road Belfast, 1pm December 4th for march to Oakman Street for mural unveiling and dedication.

The original Oakman Street mural, replaced by a pop art initiative on behalf of rock group U2.