Moving day, as new Miriam Daly mural unveiled in West Belfast

Republican Socialists from across Belfast and beyond gathered today (Sunday 4th December 2016) for the unveiling of the new mural dedicated to murdered IRSP activist, esteemed Queens University Lecturer and INLA volunteer, Miriam Daly who was murdered by a British State death squad in 1980.

Miriam Daly’s son Donal unveils the mural in memory of his mother

Comrades gathered at Costello House, the headquarters of the Irish Republican Socialist movement in which Miriam was active all those years ago, for the short march to Oakman Street.

Stopping to lower the flags at the newly painted IRSP mural in honour of Comrade Fidel Castro (who was laid to rest in Cuba today) the colour party led a crowd of around 150 up Beechmount Avenue where they also stopped to pay a short tribute at the Beechmount Oglaigh na h-Eireann memorial garden before moving onto Oakman Street where the new mural was to be unveiled.

Flags are lowered in honour of Fidel Castro
Flags are lowered in honour of Fidel Castro

The chair reminded those gathered of the historical context under which we were gathered. Of how in 1996 a young Donal Daly and others painted a mural which addressed the issue of historical revisionism but went on to become synonymous with the name and legacy of Dr Miriam Daly herself.

Miriam's husband and founder IRSP member Comrade Jim Daly prepares to address the crowd.
Miriam’s husband and founder IRSP member Comrade Jim Daly prepares to address the crowd.

Miram’s son Donal Daly then spoke to those attended, reminding them of the need to resist the creeping influence of revisionism as well as paying tribute to the legacy of his mother, he was then joined by his father Jim, himself a former founding member of the IRSP and esteemed Queens university lecturer, who paid an extremely moving tribute to his beloved wife.

Describing how she once challenged the growing trend of historical revisionism within Irish society Jim Daly reminded those in attendance of how Miriam once challenged an authoritative government publication on the Irish curriculum which stated that…’The purpose of history is to understand the other persons point of view’   No said Miriam ‘it is to find out what happened, and who did what to whom’.

Donal Daly then unveiled the new mural to his mother to great applause from those gathered.

Michael Kelly, Belfast IRSP delivers the main oration.

 Following the lowering of the flags, and the laying of wreaths, the main oration was read on behalf of the IRSP, by Michael Kelly. Comrade Kelly following on from an in depth and well analysed tribute to comrade Daly, finished by stating bluntly ‘History will be written by the winner’.

After a short message of solidarity to the people of Cuba on laying their leader to rest, the ceremony was concluded by a rousing rendition of the Red Flag, performed by Pól Mac Adaim.


All in all a very moving event was had, which saw a fitting tribute to Miriam Daly returned to its rightful place, and old comrades of the Republican Socialist movement, reunited in tribute and solidarity.