Ní oibríonn Stormont- Dhiúltaigh an comhaontú

Sheasann an IRSP lenár comradaithe san phobail Gaeilge a chuir saor obair san feachtais ar son Acht Gaeilge do bhréis is 20 bliain anois. Mar a leir a chairde i gConradh na Gaeilge inniú tá an comhaontú seo a bhfad ar shúil ó na ghealltanis déanta i 2006. 

Cé go bhfúil muid sastá fheicáil Aitheantas oifigúil don Gaeilge comh mhaith le phost nua do coimisinéir Gaeilge, caithfidhimid an ceist a chuir; Cad é mar a a dtig le duine ar bith an ról seo a déanamh nuair a bhfúil an chrosadh Aontachtach go fóil an? Ní thugann na forálacha maidir le teanga ‘s cultúr rud ar bith suntasach don phobal Gaelach. Níos mo na sin neartíonn sé an phointe nach dtig linn ár muinín a chuir i rialtas na Breataine no lena leacaí i mBaile Átha Cliatha maidir le tacaíocht don Gaeilge.

 Níos measa arís tá an phost nua do coimisinéir Ulster Scots measla eille don phobal Gaeilge. Aithníonn muid an tabhacht bainte le a chuir ar fáil don canúint eagsúla seo ach aithníonn muid fosta go bhfúil rud eigín míthaitneamhach leis an Ulster Scots a cuireadh ar an céim ceanna leis an Gaeilge. Tá an seicteachas mar feidhm Stormont agus tá muid ag feic ar seo díreach romhainn lena forácha teanga san reachtíocht nua seo. 

Ag chuir an meon “is í sin teanga s’agam, is é sin teanga s’agat” cruthaíonm sé meon seicteach in eadán teanga nach bhfúil glas no oráiste. Níos measa arís is masla an mhór é seo don phobal Gaelach uillig, atá seasmhach san throid in eadán an seicteachas. A comradaithe tá muid ag iarr ar an phobail Gaelach ullig dhiúltaigh an comhaontú seo. 

Tá sé soiléar anois nach bhfúil Stormont in ann fíor chosaint a tabhairt don Gaeilge. Ag an am ceanna níl suim ar bith ag rialtas na Bhreatine no fiú rialtas na hÉireann a chuid ghealltanis a choinigh. Ag an t-am seo tá sé thar a bheith thabhachtacht go gcuireann an phobal Gaelach a fhuinneamh go dtí an feachtais ar son athaontú. Le seo chuig linn déan cinnte go bhfúil ceartaí teanga lárnach tar éis an derieadh le críochdheighilt. Is iad cearta teanga cerata daonna!

Dan Ó Murchú- Oifigeach Gaeilge IRSP

Dan Ó Murchú

The IRSP stand resolutely with our comrades in the Gaeilge community who have campaigned tirelessly over the last two decades pushing for a stand-alone ILA. As our friends in Conradh na Gaeilge made clear this agreement falls far short from commitments made in 2006. 

While we would be glad to see official recognition and the establishment of an Irish language commissioner we have to question the ability of anyone to effectively carry out that role while the unionist veto remains fully intact. The language and culture provisions of the agreement offer nothing substantial to the Gael community and reinforces the fact that neither the British government nor their lackeys in Dublin can be trusted to offer any substantial support for the Irish language.

The introduction of an Ulster-Scotch commissioner is a further insult to the Gael community. Whilst we recognise the importance of protecting and promoting this unique dialect it seems the purpose of it being on par with Gaeilge hints at something more sinister. An undeniable aspect of Stormont is that it promotes sectarianism by design, something we are witnessing right before us with this new legislation.

Promoting a concept of, ‘this is our language, that is your language’ mentality it sectarianises our native language which is neither orange nor green. More so it is a great insult to the whole Irish language movement which has consistently rejected sectarianism in promoting our shared heritage.

Comrades we are calling on the whole Irish language movement to reject this agreement. It’s now clear more than ever, Stormont is incapable to offering real and lasting protection for the Irish language whilst Westminster and Leinster House have no intentions of keeping to commitments made over a decade ago.

We believe at this point it’s an absolute necessity that Gaeilge groups now take centre stage in the ongoing Irish unity debate and make certain that any future New and United Ireland, protects the rights of Irish speakers.

Language rights are human rights!

Dan Ó Murchú- Oifigeach Gaeilge IRSP