“No strategic merit in Windsor Castle visit” IRSP

The Irish Republican Socialist Party is unconvinced of the strategic merits of republicans engaging with the British establishment in the manner they have been doing since Michael D Higgins state visit to England began.

Speaking on behalf of the Ard Comhairle Michael McLaughlin continues “Apart from a vague reference to building closer relationships “with our unionist neighbours” those republicans engaging with the British establishment at this level have not definitively explained the rationale behind their bold and indeed arrogant move. We are unaware of any collective democratic consultation process in which neither the Sinn Fein grass roots nor the families of fallen republican martyrs were involved in the decision to act against the democratic principles of republicanism by being guests of the British monarchy in a Royal Palace”.

Mr McLaughlin finishes “Unlike other actions since 1998 this move cannot be spun as a concession for the good of the peace. When strategically analysing this situation we need to view these actions as an active move on Sinn Feins behalf to seek engagement with the highest echelons of the British establishment whilst normalising and copper-fastening the economic and physical occupation of the Island”.