Republicans Recover Massive Haul of Cocaine, not PSNI. – IRSP

Republicans Recover Massive Haul of Cocaine, not PSNI. – IRSP

17 April 2014

The Irish Republican Socialist Party would like to put on record that a recent recovery of £30,000 of cocaine within Derry was the result of community activism within the republican community rather than the result of actions of the PSNI.

We are placing these facts on public record in response to a local radio interview earlier today in which PSNI Chief Inspector Jon Burrows claimed that the discovery of the drugs in question was the result of closer co-operation between the PSNI and the community in Derry. We refute totally that this is the case.

The cocaine haul was recovered by republican activists in Derry in their efforts to disrupt the importation of dangerous drugs to vulnerable members of our community. This network of importers have ceased their activities. The drugs were handed to the IRSP who in turn handed them over to local community activist Dee Quigley for disposal. It is our understanding that Dee Quigley then contacted a local priest and arranged for the drugs to be disposed of. At no stage during this process were the PSNI aware of or involved in the recovery of the drugs.

It is both disingenuous and factually incorrect for Jon Burrows to claim that support for the PSNI within the community led to the recovery of these drugs. The drugs were recovered solely as the result of community activism by republicans who have real and not manufactured support within the working class communities in Derry.