The IRSP urge parents to closely monitor their children as interface violence continues to escalate. Over the past week, it has become clear that the violence being witnessed at interfaces throughout Belfast is indeed orchestrated.
Whilst we understand that instinctively young people will immediately react to this in defence of their communities, we caution against this response as this may be exactly the desired goal of those initiating the conflict.
Community workers, political activists and youth organisations are constantly monitoring the situation to ensure the safety and protection of residents living on interfaces therefore there is no merit in young people risking a criminal record or injury by becoming involved in sectarian confrontations.
The IRSP have no intentions of placing blame or exploring the root causes of the recent spikes in sectarian violence as we don’t view such speculation as helpful. Our primary concern is for the welfare of working class families and the young people at risk of being lured into dangerous situations.
No amount of petrol bombs or hijacked vehicles will resolve the complexities our communities now face but we assure you; you are not alone.