PSNI Head promotes child abuse as a weapon against Irish Republicanism

The IRSP call, once again, upon all republicans, socialists and progressives to withdraw and withhold support or endorsement from all or any bodies associated with or acting in support of the PSNI, in light of disgraceful comments uttered by British Chief Constable Simon Byrne.

On Tuesday afternoon, Simon Byrne displayed a traditionally British breath taking arrogance, when speaking about his (MI5 led) war upon Irish Republican activists, he suggested that the children of Republicans could be abducted and taken into control of the state “as a deterrent” to what he sees as activities not in sync with the interests of the state.

Byrne’s words merely betray what principled Republicans already know, that the British state will and are, using all and any foul means to solidify normalisation and perpetual British rule in Ireland.

Speaking in light of Simon Byrne’s comments, Belfast IRSP spokesperson, former Republican prisoner and father of three Ciaran Cunningham stated “All right thinking people, not least Republicans will be shocked and disgusted by the opportunistic and ignorant comments from the British Chief constable”. He continued.. “while in recent times the PSNI have showed themselves willing to intern the fathers, here we see them propose Internment for the children also. Needless to say all decent thinking Irish people will be appalled at the suggestion and will mobilise against such a prospect”.

The IRSP intend to report the concerns of their supporters to the children’s commissioner in regards to this matter, and ask all republicans currently participating in projects alongside the PSNI to withdraw as a matter of principle and urgency in light of this blatant promotion of  politically motivated child abuse.