Seamus Costello’s 41st anniversary commemorated in Bray Co Wicklow. IRSP – RYSM

The newly reorganised Republican Socialist Youth Movement (RSYM) took center stage today at the 41st commemoration of revolutionary leader Seamus Costello’s assassination. Wreaths were laid on his final resting place by all branches of the Republican Socialist Movement.

Comrade Malachi Mac Lochlainn from the RSYM delivered the main oration. He continues.


“The Republican Socialist Movement still hold true to Seamus’ ideals that the Republican struggle and the socialist struggle cannot be separated. These ideals adopted from Connolly are the fundamental political position of the movement and will not and can not change. These ideals are what stands us apart from other political philosophies and our republicanism makes us unique among socialists in Ireland. It is becoming more evident that groups and individuals are coming round to the realisation that what Seamus stood for in the 1970’s, the political philosophy of revolutionary socialism tied to a republicanism is the only way forward for Ireland’s working class.”

“This in itself is a belated tribute to Costello and those around him who formed this organisation. It is an acknowledgement that Seamus and his comrades were right and that the narrow nationalism or the trendy leftism practicsed by others was fundamentally flawed and doomed to failure, given that both failed to take into account the history of this nation. Just as we followed Costello, Costello followed Connolly, and Connolly followed Tone, we are part of that proud tradition of republicans who are not afraid of challenges and who will stand up for ordinary people in housing estates and communities across this island.”

Comrade Malachi said

“The IRSP have begun a campaign for border poll because presently we see that as a viable and realistic avenue for us to end partition. This may end in failure but we cannot shy away from that. We as revolutionaries must always evaluate and change to suit the current situation. We are not tied to unrealistic principles that get us nowhere. Progress can only be made when we are prepared to adapt. The Brexit situation has presented republicans with a real opportunity and could lead to the destruction of the united kingdom. The right wing in Britain and the north may very well have sown the seeds of their own destruction and we must be placed in order to take full advantage. Ireland’s history is littered with near misses. We see Brexit as an opportunity to get rid of the British government once and for all. We ask all of you to fully weigh in on the campaign to achieve our freedom, dont mess up this opportunity, they dont come around too often.”

“If SeamusCostello were alive today we have no doubt that he would be at the forefront in any struggle that aims to bring the working class closer to real power in Ireland and to take away from the rich and give back to the people of Ireland what is rightfully theirs.”

“Not only would Seamus be at the forefront, he would be instrumental in building support, he would be organising among the grass-roots in local areas such as Bray and it’s surrounding areas. Seamus’ ultimate goal was to see revolution in Ireland. Sadly he didn’t live to see that realised but during his short time with us he spent every minute of every day organising the unorganised and motivating the unmotivated. No section of society was outside of his sight. From people in local housing estates to small farmers to trade union members.”

Malachi finishes

“Seamus seen them all as vital in the struggles that lay ahead. All sections of Ireland’s working class are vital allies and none can be left behind. It is this ethic of tireless struggle that stood Seamus Costello out from the crowd. If his sacrifice is to mean anything to Ireland’s working class then we must do everything in our power to emulate that work ethic, build in our local areas, organise in the workplace, build towards the revolution for which Seamus gave his life. I am proud to say that this is happening across the country. IRSP activists are on the ground doing the work on a daily basis. This will be for nothing if we fail to take the opportunities that this work opens up. We must be in a position to take advantage of the opportunities which we ourselves create. For too long the Republican Socialist Movement have led the way but have failed to take strategic advantage of the hard work of our activists. We must be much more strategic in our thinking and if we see an opportunity we must be able to grab it for the betterment of our class and our communities.”