“Simulated Border Poll” to be carried out in Strabane – Lifford

“Simulated Border Poll” to be carried out in Strabane – Lifford

YES For Unity campaign will be holding a public talk and debate “Building for a Socialist Ireland” in the Civic Room, Strabane Library starting at 7pm on Thursday 15th November. The event will cover the themes Class, Demographics, Border Polls and the ending of Partition. This will be the beginning of an intense period of activism around ending partition in the Strabane- Lifford area through a “Simulated Border Poll”.

YES For Unity activist Michael McLaughlin continues. “The idea behind the Public Talk and debate, followed by a simulated Border Poll, is to collect data identifying the core issues to develop a strategy to win a future referendum. We need to evolve an island wide network of a well drilled army of activists with the capacity to engage on the doorsteps and win the debate”.

Mr McLaughlin continues “YES For Unity would be delighted to host republicans and socialists from all over Ireland during the simulated Border Poll in Strabane – Lifford.  It’s important that those who are planning to fight the Border Poll on the streets of the entire island come and engage on the door steps, we believe this is a good opportunity to do this”.

Mr McLaughlin said “As we move closer to an era of referendum it is becoming clearer that the mechanism for a Border Poll, outlined in the Good Friday Agreement, may be the template under which we have to fight. This is not our preferred option and indeed we are calling the GFAs bluff. Demographics show that unionism is moving into a time of permanent minority in occupied Ireland this in itself is enough to trigger a Poll”.

Mr McLaughlin finishes “Yes For Unity will not sit idly by and wait for a British minister to allow us our right to self-determination. We are committed to building a grass roots movement on the streets that has the power to drive the agenda for ending partition, not in the elected chambers or shadowy back room deals, but transparently and openly, a campaign that transcends party political affiliation and belongs to the people. The GFA mechanism Border Poll will include a vote on both sides of the British Border in Ireland, the referendum battle will take place on every doorstep in the 32 Counties of Ireland, we must prepare”.

So far the debate around an Island wide border poll has been monopolised by mainstream corporate interests seeking to create a united Ireland that works for those currently at the top of society. The IRSP position is that working class peoples interests, the 99%, must be held above all else. We must strive to build an Ireland for the many not the few. The national question and the class question cannot be separated.

Our YES For Irish Unity campaign for an island wide “Border Poll” is only another phase in our struggle to create a united socialist Ireland free from London, Brussels and Washington rule.

Public talk and debate

Building for a Socialist Ireland in the Civic Room Strabane Library starting at 7pm on Thursday 15th November.

 Simulated Border Poll Canvass dates

  • Saturday 17tth November 1pm
  • Thursday 22nd November 5pm
  • Saturday 24th November 1pm
  • Thursday 29th November 5pm
  • Saturday 8th December 1pm

For more information please don’t hesitate to contact us at info@irsp.ie