Time to end Direct Provision system.


The Irish Republican Socialist Party is calling on an end to the direct provision system and a progressive campaign against racism in Ireland.

The direct provision system is a system of “their only muslims” the Irish government set up to deal with asylum seekers who have fled their war torn region and forced to live in inhumane conditions which can only be described as ” concentration camps”

They are forced to live in hostels and mobile home parks with a income of under 20 euro a week and no entitlement to employment, social welfare,social housing or to our education system.

The system which receives 50million euro in state funding annually has been giving to private contractors to manage rather than that state to facilitate properly.

IRSP activist Stephen Cummins states

” I feel every Irish citizen has a huge part to play in helping dismantle this system it is racist and degrading and I’m not afraid to say I feel it is the words “Muslim”or “middle easterners” as I have heard it been put that has a huge factor in this system continuing. Racist People need to be educated a bit more.

There was a time during the dark times in Ireland when Irish nationals had to flee our homeland due to oppression and genocide. We found safe haven in other countries and we’re entitled to employment and a life a peace why should it be any different in 21st century Ireland”

Europe has seen an increase in racism over the years with fascist organisations and political parties growing in numbers. Trumpism in the United States is playing a major role in this and it’s time people figure out that it’s a serious political issue.

We are calling on the nation to tackle this issue head on weather it’s individually or helping out with anti racism campaigns across Ireland.

“I believe racism has killed more people than speed, Heroin, or cancer, and will continue to kill until it is no more” – Alice Childress