


As we enter 2023 we wish to send fraternal revolutionary greetings to all our friends and supporters throughout the world. We offer solidarity to all those involved in anti-imperialist struggles whether in prisons or on the streets. As the new year begins we reflect on the past year, look to this coming year and assess where we are in regards to our stated goals and objectives.

2022 was a year of great hope for Republican Socialism in Ireland. Following advancements in our politics and activism, we tested the electoral water for the first time in a decade by standing in the 6 county assembly elections, which has resulted in encouragement that this is a viable strategy at present. We will continue to adopt an electoral strategy by engaging in elections across Ireland to run in tandem with our street and community activism. The IRSP will be contesting the upcoming council elections in the 6 counties in 2023 in locations to be confirmed in due course.

Last year we bore witness to the devastating impact of capitalism, with working class people paying the price via the “cost of living crisis”, which saw prices of food, energy and infrastructure dramatically increasing with the profit taking of the global multinationals exploding. Local and International venture capitalists have been using the crisis to increase profit margins while working class people continue to suffer, the wealth divide continues to exponentially increase in Ireland and throughout the world. The IRSP will be starting 2023 by not just stating facts that working class people already know, but by acting against those who continue to exploit our vulnerable communities for profit. 

Over the past 12 months, the momentum towards Irish Unity continued to grow, with census results indicating what the IRSP predicted in 2016 when we publicly backed calls for a Border Poll on Irish Unity, believing it to now be the most viable course for ending partition. Though, the IRSP note with caution that the more evident it becomes that Irish Unity becomes inevitable, the enemies of the working class begin positioning themselves to ensure capitalism via so called “civic nationalism” retains control in Ireland post partition. The IRSP being the only organisation highlighting this threat will continue to build the Yes For Unity campaign, the socialist working-class alternative to civic nationalism.

Internationally, 2022 was a year where ongoing warmongering actions of the west via their armed wing NATO created open conflict in Eastern Europe. The IRSP refused to be drawn into the western and NATO narrative and propaganda and haven been monitoring the situation in Ukraine since 2014 and by utilising our direct contacts in the area; drawing our own conclusions. We send solidarity to every nation and people fighting against western neoliberalist hegemony. 

2023 will be another great year for the IRSP, we will continue to build across Ireland and build and strengthen our domestic and  international connections. As always, the IRSP will continue to be at the forefront in defending our working class communities against enemies both foreign and domestic, while we will continue to stand in solidarity with the workers in their campaigns for better pay and conditions.

Up the Socialist Republic!

If you want to play your part in fighting for 32 county socialist republic, join the part of Connolly and Costello by joining the IRSP today –