IRSP hold protest outside Education Authority HQ in Belfast

This morning, the Irish Republican Socialist Party handing in a letter of protest to the Education Authority headquarters in Belfast calling on the management of the body to immediately resolve the Special Education crisis or resign. This was following by a picket and the distribution of hundreds of flyers to passers-by.

Cánice Millen of the IRSP said, ‘’children that require special education are being treated second best, their needs are not being met by the education authority, whose actions recently is complete mismanagement and corrupt’’

‘’This follows a report by a whistleblower within the Education Authority who said that they were being directed by top level management to not stamp special needs applications, instead they were put into boxes and stored away in a room, leaving nearly 40% of special needs children without a place in school this September.’’

The Irish Republican Socialist Party absolutely condemn these actions by the Education Authority, and while we understand the impact of Tory/Stormont Austerity is causing financial strain on our public bodies to offer these vital services, this is not an excuse to sacrafice the right to education for our children with special educational needs.