S.Antrim IRSP Call On Orange Order to Listen to Residents


In April, following previous years of erecting flags in Crumlin to celebrate & commemorate the Easter Rising, the IRSP after a period of close consultation with the local community and our members/supporters took the unprecedented decision not to erect any flags in the Crumlin area.

During this consultation it became very clear that the vast majority of Crumlin residents did not want ANY political flags or emblems erected in the Main Street area of the town.

Following that decision we made a very clear and public call for ALL groups to follow suit and ensure the Main Street remains an area welcoming to all.

It is disheartening to see that while all Republican groups in the town listened and acted on this consultation the local Orange Order still feel the need to erect the annual unwanted arch equipped with flags and other loyalist emblems in the Main Street.

We would ask the Orange Order to listen to the local community and act responsibly by maintaining the Main Street area free from political flags, emblems & arches.

While we understand that the Crumlin arch may be a long standing historical tradition in the town, such ideas need to adapt to what is an ever changing community demographic in the area and we believe the Orange Lodge can still adequately express their culture without the need for an Arch or flags.