Strabane IRSP Respond To HSE Report On Lifford Hospital Residential Care Unit


IRSP says HSE report “not worth the paper its written on!”

 The IRSP are calling Fridays HSE report on the sustainability of Lifford hospitals residential care unit, not worth the paper it’s written on, and the first step to complete closure.  Lifford hospital has a long history of providing respite care and it an essential part of the infrastructure and community services in East Donegal. The HSE report, published last Friday, recommends Irish Health Minister Dr James Reilly to close the residential care unit in Lifford in 2012. Although some day care services will remain, as a token gesture to the people of East Donegal, the main service of residential care is to be removed.

The Fine Gael/Labour coalition can find Billions of Irish Tax payers money to reimburse the rich and greedy developers, bankers and bond holders who gambled on the Irish economy and lost. Yet when it comes down to funding an essential service in an area which was relatively untouched by the vast wealth of the Celtic Tiger era they cannot. This is the same old story of the workers paying for the greed of the wealthy Irish Gombeen class.  The IRSP held talks with the organizers of the Save Lifford Hospital campaign last summer on the subject of direct political action against those Ministers involved in the closure. We hope to reignite these talks on the near future and support the people of East Donegal in their fight against the Fine Gael/Labour hypocrites.

The IRSP also would call on the people of Strabane to get behind the campaign to Save Lifford Hospital; this is a travesty that is playing out before our eyes, let’s get involved!


Michael McLaughlin,

PRO Strabane IRSP.

Telephone:  07999047857




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