Irish Republican Socialist Movement Easter Commemoration 2012




Several thousand members, supporters and spectators from all over Ireland and beyond, took part in the annual Irish Republican Socialist Movement’s Easter commemoration in Belfast today.  Marchers assembled at Dunville Park at 11.30am and made their way in disciplined formation along the Falls Road towards Milltown Cemetery led an IRSM colour party, followed by a Republican flute band.  En route to the Republican Socialist plot in Milltown Cemetery, the colour party stopped briefly to lower it’s flags outside the former Falls Road home of James Connolly, leader of the 1916 Rising and the ideological father of Irish Republican Socialism.  In Milltown Cemetery, the IRSM colour party paused to pay it’s respects at the grave of INLA volunteer Patrick “Paddy Bo“ Campbell who was only 22 years of age when he was murdered by armed criminals in Dublin, on 10 October 1999.

At the IRSM plot comrade Gerard Murray of the IRSP in Belfast officiated as wreathes were laid on behalf of the many branches of the movement in Ireland, internationally  and from fraternal organisations abroad.  Comrade Gary Keenan of IRSP-Alba read the 1916 Proclamation.  Comrade Eoghan McLaughlin of the RSYM read the address on behalf of the youth movement.  IRSCNA comrade John Shook delivered the international speech.  A member of the IRSM colour party read the Republican Socialist roll of honour.

The main oration was delivered by Cork IRSP comrade, Jason Nott, who re-affirmed the movement’s adherence to the Ta Power doctrine of the ‘Primacy of Politics’ and spoke of the steady advances made by the Irish Republican Socialist Party over this past year.  The commemoration ended with the rendition of Amhrán na bhFiann by the Erin Go Bragh Flute Band from Scotland.

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